We have probably locked our keys in the car at one point or another. If you have never done this before, the then chances are that at one time or another you may find yourself in such a situation. Though this is something done out of forgetfulness, it can be a total disaster. If you asked anyone who has ever found himself in such a situation, they would tell you how it can be traumatizing and how it can affect your schedule negatively. Imagine when you have a meeting to attend in minute’s time, and all the important documents are lying comfortably in your car. Or when you are to pick kids from school, and it’s getting late already. Or when you want to catch a flight and the only way to get there is using your car!
Well, if you are wondering if there is anything you can do to remedy this situation, then the answer is yes. The good news is that there are solutions to your problem. Yes, the situation may be tricky, regretful and maddening. But this is not the end of it all.
Here are some of the cheapest solutions when keys are locked in the car
Keep your spare key is a safe place
It goes without saying that this is the cheapest solution when keys are locked in the car. Do you have a family member or a friend you can trust with the spare key? Let them have a spare key.
Trunk access
In case your car doors are locked, but your trunk is open, you can find your way to the front seat through the trunk. Use an emergency opening cord on the trunk. Open trunk to the inside of the car, and pull the chord to fall the passenger seats forward and crawl your way to reaching for the keys.
Don’t use such on newer or luxurious cars that have many electrical wires prone to damage during the procedure. Older cars are better. Bend the shape of a metal coat hanger to become straight and have a hook on one end. Slide the metal in between the weather stripping. From the window’s corner, push it inside trying as much as possible not to scratch the car. Try to jiggle the hook of the hanger until it hooks the lock mechanism. Once you have reached and hooked the pin for lock mechanism, pull it to unlock your door.
Sign up for AAA Membership
Once you are a member of American Automobile Association, an American Federation which is affiliated with several automobile clubs around the globe, you become eligible for basic emergency roadside assistance. This may include locking keys inside your car. There is a membership fee, not more than $70, and you may also incur lockout service of around $50. It may make you spend, but it may turn out to be your savior is such a situation.